Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Greg Gutfeld is a Cool, Smart, Funny Guy - And We Get to Claim Him as Ours

There's something of a secret pride that, I think, Greg Gutfeld fans feel...that is likely akin to how we felt as youngsters, coming across something in the woods that becomes our secret, prized possession.  We find this rock that we swear is some ancient arrowhead made, by some Indian, hundreds upon hundreds of years ago when the first Americans roamed these very woods.  Woods, that are now the playground of the neighborhood kids that live in the development of houses at the top of the hill.

We tuck our ancient artifact securely away in our special hiding place.  Allowing only our closest buddies, access to see our new-found, prized possession.  See it.  Not necessarily to touch itOh, we might give in and allow physical inspection - provided the right gifts or services are offered, in fair exchange for the privilege of actually holding it.

That's what Greg Gutfeld is.  Our own secret, ancient arrowhead.  Tucked secretly away, at 3  o'clock in the morning, Where his show, Red Eye can be seen, on the Fox News Channel.  A place, where only we know about.  Just like the arrowhead of our youth, we make time each day to view it, preferably in the dark.  And if there's too much light, we admire our treasure, under a hastily pitched tent, made by propping the blanket on our bed up, with a whiffle ball bat.  Oh, we might share Greg with some of our closest friends, while still not telling them, exactly where he can be found.  But, we're torn.  We want to share what we know, with our friends - but, somehow, we want to preserve the secret for ourselves.  We want to retain and not soil, the special-ness of this thing, we stumbled upon.  But, we give up, on our initial instinct.  Because, especially in the TV/video age - we've always found we enjoyed something we knew was good, when we also knew that someone was watching with us.  We want other people we know and like, to get the same enjoyment we do, from this right-of-center, comically irreverent goofball genius, that we've grown to know and like.

Now, Greg Gutfeld has written a book.  This one titled, "The Bible of Unspeakable Truths".  Unlike his previous books, this one of Gutfeld's, is sure to take off into the stratosphere.  The cat (or unicorn) will be out of the bag and we'll have to reconcile the fact that he'll have to be shared with a lot more people and will no longer be our own guilty pleasure.

What initially and continually attracts you to Gutfeld is how and what he says, in his verbal, nerf machine gun delivery, on virtually any topic.  Which is often funny and at times provocative.  Not provocative in the shock value, jaw-dropping sense, only meant to induce reaction and notoriety.  His is a provocation rooted in common sense and the sensibility, in not suffering fools gladly. 

A perfect Exhibit A would be, on a night during his Red Eye show, when interviewing Rob Tannenbaum.  I wasn't even sure who this guy Tannenbaum was but, on this night, the subject was global warming...er, I mean, climate change.  Early in the questioning, as Gutfeld, in true form, was jamming a hundred words into a 5 second question - on the spit-screen of the host and guest, you started seeing Tannenbaum nodding his head and rolling his finger in the air, as if to say, "Wrap up this silly question, so I can respond with my own special wit and oh so superior intellect, to counter your inane ramblings."  It should be noted that though in his style, Gutfeld's question was neither inane nor rambling.  It was pointed and even accommodating to both sides of the argument. 

Anyway, while watching this exchange, I was already disliking this clown, Tannenbaum.  And, as it went on, you could sense Gutfeld's level of ire rising, all the while, retaining his impish grin though, perhaps, a little more tight-lipped than usual.  Well, as the verbal sparring elevated, Tannenbaum thought he was putting Gutfeld in his place by asking who he should believe more on the science of climate change, being real - Nasa scientists, of whom he'd sited, earlier in his argument..."or a guy whose talk show comes on after Chuck Norris infomercials, in the middle of the night."  What followed was poetic, in Gutfeld's not just turning the tables on this tool but, grabbing the table by its legs, picking it up off the floor, lifting it high over his head and then, bringing it crashing down on the head of this smug, pseudo-intellectual _______.  Well, the next logical word to describe this guy is the same word Greg used to perfectly punctuate his verbal, knock out blow, of this particular fool.  See the exchange here, to truly watch and enjoy, watch and enjoy-ers.  The money word, in this video clip is bleeped out...but, it starts with "D" and ends with "G".  This is probably, also the moment my man-crush on Greg Gutfeld, became official.  He said what I would have wanted to say to this guy, at that moment and had even better ammunition, with which to make his place-putting point.  And...I was loving it.

His new book is all  about speaking truth to power...and morons and the Hollywood elite, and terrorists  and models, as well as liberal academia, Europeans, Republicans, Democrats...  From any subject you could dream up.  Up to and including: porn, squirrels, crab lice, race, organ donation, conspiracy theories, sex and many subjects and people you haven't even thought of yet.  You can get a taste of this, by reading his Gregalog series on his website or catching them when featured on his TV show. 

Not to turn this into a book review but, if you already know Greg Gutfeld...you'll love the book. And, if you don't know him yet - reading his book will make you curious about wanting to know him, more.  Take it from the rest of us who do.  To know Greg Gutfeld is to love him.  Enough gushing.  He's just a man, DAMN IT! 

But really - To allow you the experience of getting to know Greg Gutfeld...is probably worth giving up our special hiding place for him.

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