Saturday, July 16, 2011

The World is Still Spinning

The title is more a reference to how things have carried on, since the last time I took to writing any of my thoughts here.  I wrote more, when I had more time and it's for sure, I don't get paid for this gig's a bit difficult to keep up with maintaining a blog when you're trying to find and keep sustainable employment, in today's economy.  That, I have done and hope to keep it that way, for a good while.  I'm closing in on being employed, as long as I was unemployed - so, I've got that going for me. 

There is so much that has gone on in the world and in this country, since my last posting.  I have and do keep up with it all but, returning here and opining about such things isn't as easy as I'd like it to be.  I suppose this post is just to say, I'm committed to writing more, though I think I've made that hollow promise before.  Like anyone, I guess...I just hope people would want to read what I have to say.

Here's to saying more and writing more about what I have to say.  See you all soon, right here.