Friday, November 9, 2012

Oops!...I Did It Again

Some further proof that at times, not only do people not learn from their mistakes...they are perfectly capable of making the same mistake twice.  In a BIG way!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Am a Conservative!

As the governed relinquish their independence to those who govern - those who govern, inevitably, will be comprised of few honorable people.  -Me

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Not a New Dawn for America - We're Still In the Dark

I wasn't expecting what happened.  And, I wasn't alone.  There was a sense...a feeling that Mitt was actually on course to wrestle the Presidency from Barack Obama.  It seemed, optimism and big ideas was going to win out over a campaign that, in the end seemed so full of pessimism and so many small things.

But, here we sit, on the day the darkness, barely able to see if there is a chance of light far away on the horizon.   But, it's been that way for so long now.  Four years and counting.  We were running toward that light we saw but, like those cartoons where running down a hallway toward a door that appears to get farther away, with each step, we never quite reach daylight.  For about half of those four years we had been told that the slow economic growth, the job creation at a snail's pace "...aren't where we want to be but, it's positive growth." We were being conditioned for a whole set of  'new normals' in our lives. Unemployment percentage and anemic jobs numbers, month after month.  Increasing gas prices.  Higher food costs, lower take home pay.  All things that contributed to our getting used to living lives, not like we had lived  in the past.  Working at jobs, if we could get them, that were at some fraction less, than we made for most of our adult lives before this time.  Many of us were finding a way to get by.  But, we were doing just that.  Getting by.  Many of us can't remember what it's like to work a steady job.  Some of us, exhausting those economic lifelines the Government had thrown us and still not working.  Twenty-three million looking for employment or partially employed.  We endured it because, somehow...some way we thought that there would be an end to it.

Now, the next day...the day after Election Day.  We're unsure.  It's still dark. The previous day's vote for the status quo, has put that sunrise we had been enduring this darkness, all this time, waiting for...will not come on this new day.  It's years off now...if at all.

There were hurdles, earlier put in the way that will delay us from seeing any real daylight.  The, 'one-sixth of the economy' behemoth, that is ObamaCare.  The implementation of which, was even designed to get this President past the Election, has yet to take its toll on the economy and on our lives.  We were told the bill would have to pass to see what's in the bill...Well, we will see a lot over the next year or two.  Will all those business owners and job creators who have been sitting on the sidelines...waiting to hire, to expand, to invest any of their dollars before they got to see what might unfold now, be any more inclined to jump back into the game?  Why should they?  Now the uncertainty, that had driven all their decisions to stand pat these last few years, has now become certainty that nothing has changed.  Jobs that weren't created then, will be jobs that won't be created now...or anytime soon.  Banks that were not lending money last year have no reason to change anything about the way they do business.  What we had before this election is what we have now, after the votes have been tallied.  Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.

It's always darkest before the dawn. And, we've known the dark for over four years now.  Unfortunately and sadly for us...this too has became our 'new normal.'  We have been conditioned.  And we've been learning, slowly, to find our own way in the dark.  And now we know.  We have, at the very least...four more years before a new dawn breaks.  God help us all...

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Laundry List for Mitt When He Becomes President

The pesky polls be damned.  I'm one who remembers newspapers of the day, back in the 1980 Election, this close to that Presidential election, saying that the contest between Carter and Reagan was 'Too close to call.'  Most of us know how that one turned out.  A Reagan Landslide.  A smaller version of that, is what I see for tomorrow's election.

With that in mind.  This is just a list that I am putting forth, to the, soon-to-be, new President - based on the the way his, soon-to-be, predecessor and those around him behaved and responded to us, the people they worked for:

1. Always be straight with us.  Tell us the truth.  We're adults...we can handle it.

2. Instruct your subordinates to do the same.  And, while you're at it...pick subordinates that don't give us the 'willies', since we are going to have to see them on Sunday talk shows for at least four years.

3. Have a consistent schedule of when you take questions from the press and don't disappear for weeks and months at a time when it may be a bit uncomfortable for you to do so.  A President who's not afraid to take his lumps is a President we will continue to respect.

4.  Ban the use of focus groups, in your White House, in making decisions that affect us. Trial balloons too.  We voted for you because we are willing to take you where you lead us, as long as you consult with us consistently.

5.  We know there's the possibility of a 2nd term so please, please...don't begin campaigning for it, starting the 2nd year of your first term.  We've just been there, done that.  We don't appreciate it, either.

6.  If you're going to have one Czar...Put that person in charge of seeing to all of our returning Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans.  Whether they're wounded, physically or mentally...need to find jobs, find themselves homeless and on and on. Whatever the need.  This needs to be a high-visibility/high accountability position and pledge to us that everything that can be done will be done for these brave people and that this will continue throughout your Administration and beyond.

Trust me...this list could go on for days after what we've been through the last four years know where we're coming from and it's a start.  Just trust in us and we'll trust in you.  Govern in a way that, from the richest people in the country to the poorest - feel that they have a President who is working for them.  In doing that...the result will be many more of the aforementioned people in that last sentence and far fewer of the latter. And that can only be good for the rest of us, in the middle...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

2012 Presidential Election: Electoral Map

As Mitt Romney has shown to appeal to Independents by a wide margin and basically Middle Americans...My Electoral map shows that he virtually owns a large swath, of the middle of the country.  I see a 52% to 47% popular vote in Romney's favor, incidentally, reflecting his rather astute observation in an earlier released, edited video of Romney speaking to donors - that showed him telling them that he wouldn't capture Obama's 47%.  He gets an extra 5% share, leaving 1% for other votes not gotten by either major candidate.

A big win for Romney and one that indicates a mandate by the Electorate.