Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random Thoughts...

  • Obama's Europe trip promises to be different than his last excursion, during the campaign. Then, he was what we were dreaming about. Now, we're on the '100 Days' thing...and they're not impressed. The large crowds you see will not be all those who are there to catch a glimpse of 'The One'. More likely, it will be protesters. Meet the new Boss....Same as the old Boss.

  • Ashley Biden was doing cocaine, right? The story is hard to find on the ususal, protective media outlets. But the push will be on now, since its becoming known that her weasel, slimeball of a friend was setting her up, in order to get rich on the video of her doing her, Al Pacino in Scarface thing... They'll make this about him and make her the victim, in hopes that this won't blow up, to Michael Phelps proportions. Oh... the implications. We know the attention this would attract, if her name were "Jenna Bush", right?

  • How much money is the UAW pocketing now, as a result of the American taxpayer funding the Auto companies, which would not be flowing if they went under. What are we getting for our money? Unless the UAW comes up with a plan to help make the car companies 'viable'...shoud Obama fire their top guy?

  • The head honcho of the Pakistan arm of Taliban, Inc. is warning of an 'Amazing' attack on Washington. We can claim we were surprised on 911. We'll have to see how the US Administration handles this after the play has been 'telegraphed'. The Administration's War on Terror will be tested. Oh...wrong terminology. I meant to say, that what will be tested is our ability to stop those rascals overseas who would really, really like to inconvenience the heck out of us...

Monday, March 30, 2009

There have been more shootings, like the ones referenced in earlier posts. The most recent, at a nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina, was stopped before more people were killed, by one brave cop. He shot but didn't kill the gunman. No doubt, more helpless seniors would have died, had he not acted heroically.

No doubt, also, the 'fearless' killer would have turned the gun on himself, once he was satisfied he'd done enough or if he were ultimately cornered. This poor guy now faces at least a dozen years or so, under lock and key...or chances are some lighter lock-up duty at some state hopital, due to diminished capacity. Truly a damned shame, for this particular type of killer, as stated before in this Blog.

Try them swiftly and kill them. Kill them even more quickly.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Welcome Brother, to Maryville...

"Welcome Brother". These, purportedly, were the words that Pastor Fred Winters of the First Baptist Church of Maryville, spoke to the man who walked up onto the stage, before he opened fire, killing the Pastor and wounding at least four other congregants of the church in Maryville, Illinois.

The gunmen had, moments before, been standing in the aisle of the church and the Pastor saw this and asked him if he needed help. Obviously, he did. And whatever wrongs, up until that moment, that had been perpetrated on this lost soul - whether it was a lost job, a lost girlfriend...some other factor in his life, whatever...that ultimately contributed to this terrible outcome...this particular person's solution was to spray bullets. His answer was to walk into a church and say nothing and then, pull his gun from his hoodie and pump three shots into the man that would have been the one, most able to help him. Maybe the one person out of many, who would have stopped what he was doing and really, really listened to his problems that had brought him to that moment in his life. Instead, he pumped three bullets into this peaceful man of God and for good measure, he apparently shot and stabbed other congregants during his attempt at escape. He was held at bay, by some churchgoers, until police arrived.

With this particular local terrorist, he didn't turn the gun on himselft, after committing his deed, as many do. Maybe, he just didn't get the chance, because whether he tried to flee the scene or not, he was stabbed by someone in the church and was taken into custody. So, this murderer didn't solve the issue of what do do with him, like so many others do, by handing down his own death sentence and execution.

Illinois has the death penalty. But, in 2003 the Governor at that time, commuted all the death sentences and cleared death row. A moratorium created by the then, Governor in not executing those on death row, was upheld through the administration of the disgraced Governor, Rod Blagojevich.

This kind of killing is a modern phenomenon. Sure, I'm sure this has happened before in our history. But, this is something that, it seems, to plaster our television and computer screens on a monthly basis. What do we do? What, as a society do we do to begin to reduce these particular occurrences? Shouldn't death for these particular offenders be a guarantee of the system? Shouldn't it be ingrained in the mind of anyone who'd contemplate such indescriminate killing of the innocent, that your death is assured - whether it's already part of their cowardly plan, when they figure to turn the gun on themselves or as the end result of the process that ends in their swift execution?

Most the arguments against the death penalty: what if an innocent person is unjustly convicted and executed... etc, shouldn't hold up in this instance and others, just like it. Like other cases like this one, dozens of eye witnesses saw everything. They scuffled to subdue the gunmen and some were stabbed for their efforts and then held him until the police arrived. He committed this crime and he's guilty and of course will be presumed innocent, until proven guilty. I started this blog yesterday, when it happened and right here, would have been saying something about the 'mental incapacity' defense. Now, the suspect has been charged and the 'mental defect, through Lyme Disease', defense is already being floated, for the suspect, Terry Selacek, 27.

Alright then. He should be examined to determine if he's competent to stand trial and if he knows and understands the charges brought against him...and most importantly, if he understands the concept and knows the difference between right and wrong. If he's competent and he certifiably knows the difference - Great. He chose 'wrong'. And he should be given a fair trial and swiftly executed.

Might this, over time, presumably save some lives. I believe that over time, this would surely save the innocent lives of some, at some future date, for some who might be sitting in a church or a school and some coward just might think better of going through with some cold-blodded multiple murder. People, in doing good...will say, "If we can save one life, it would be worth it." I believe the swift death of those that would commit this particular crime, would save far more than one life when our society deals consistently this way, with this particular type of killer. And, it would be worth it...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gordon Brown - Snub or New Way of Doing Business?

Either way, you know with these guys, it was thought out in advance and orchestrated. Early on, you could see the rookie mistakes. The bumbling, swearing in of Cabinet members and not knowing how many Executive orders he was signing and things of that nature. They stumbled out of the block for sure but quickly got their footing therearfter.

They're down to business now and every step is carefully measured and plotted, before the first foot is moved forward. That's why this last visit by Great Britain's Head of State was interesting. Depending on which side of the Atlantic, you're viewing it from...there are different reactions to the 'extended' sit-down in front of the press, rather then the full blown press conference, one might usually see with podiums out in front and flags in the backdrop. It was duly noted in the coverage, maybe more prominently by outlets such as, Fox News, directly following the meeting. But, not so much in the papers the next day.

Hard to find in the Washington Post and simply made mention, in the New York Times. Oh the times is cute, where Obama is concerned. They know they need to state the obvious but they know well, too, how to couch the argument and hold it in the best light for Obama. Though, noting that the meeting between the two was, 'understated', The Times was quick to point out Obama's speaking of a "a bond there that will not break." They also tried to help dispel any thoughts of the US and Obama not having a lessening of our 'special relationship' with Great Britain by quoting Obama, in saying, “This notion that somehow there is any lessening of that special relationship is misguided,” Mr. Obama said, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office. “Rest assured that the relationship is not only special and strong, but will only get stronger as time goes on.” They did mention the wonderful lunch, in the Old Family Dining Room at the White House of, Thyme-roasted chicken and nine-herb ravioli.

Some in England had a different take, as did the UK's Iain Martin of the Telegraph. He thought it quite rude of the President, to handle Gordo as he did. Besides, for the Administrations part and that of the US, Brown would be addressing Congress the next day and would have plenty of his moments in the sun, while he was here. Other views such as that of Oliver Burkeman, of Britain's Guardian newspaper, who was covering the White House for the visit, thought more so, that at times Brown's visit to our Capital bordered on 'humiliation'. Even in days leading up to the visit, British journalists weren't in love with White House press secretary, Robert Gibb's characterization of the two countries' 'Special Relationship' as a 'Special Partership', as sounding rather non-comittal.

But make no mistake...this will be Obama's "New World Order" and even with Brown's higly opinionated past, as to things economic, within his own country, most notably as, Chancellor of the Exchequer under Tony Blair, when he ushered in the conversion to the Euro and his ideas of setting a global economic plan and worldwide, where it is known he holds us to blame for the current global, fiscal crisis - Obama will be a partner in the endeavor but when all is said and done it will be he, Obama, who will be seen as it's architect. Why, Obama almost said the words, during their cozy sit-down in the oval office, in front of the press. Stopping short after the words "new world" and finishing with a more palatable characterization, other than finishing with, "order".

How Obama handles visiting dignitaries in what he and those in his Administration say and what they do and how he's treated outside the Country will be interesting to see. His signing on to some of the ideas Brown had in this economic, global view and making a sharp distinction by not mentioning or implicitly backing them, either through actions or by omission (I don't even think he said Brown's name during the press briefing) and all the little signals and subtleties, in how the Administration handles such events is worth watching closely.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ah...Rush Is Driving 'Em Crazy

There's an element of the 'Showman' in every person who has elevated or been elevated to any kind of iconic stature. Whether its Rush Limbaugh or Barack Obama. There's no doubting Obama's P.T. Barnum-esque abilities. I mean, c'mon? Look at his attempt at JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" moment. Look at his acceptance speech, with all the trappings. His self insertion, into my quality time with my Super Bowl.

Let's face it. Those who have their own piece of the big stage...their own bully pulpit also have the need and the ability to generate buzz and publicity and sometimes, dominate news cycles, to further their views and with these two examples, their ideology. I think what the difference is...or what the perception is, to 'any thinking person' (and that phrase has meaning for me but more on that later) is that, for many years now...what Rush Limbaugh has talked about or believed in or railed against -- came from his own mind. His own sensibilities. Ideas and beliefs that he formulated and articulated on his own. He's never had a moment, lets say, of articulating some hard and fast view of opting out and renegotiating NAFTA and then held his hand over his mike and stretched his neck all the way up beyond the country's border and into Canada and whispered in their ear, "I didn't really mean what I just said...everything's cool with us." What he's saying and has said, spouted in some people's view, lo these many years..has not changed. And that carries substantial weight, to a lot of thinking people. And Rush should know a thing or two about substantial weight.

He's not saying anything for anyone else or for any group, though the Right will rise up and proclaim that Rush speaks for them. He says what's on his mind and in his heart and his words have struck a chord for millions and so he is now someone who wields an element of power, based soley on where he stands on his unflinching and unapologetic views of the way things ought to be. And he holds a distinct advantage over Obama, believe it or not with his already 'sainted' status...and any other Politician, for that matter, in that he is not beholden to anyone, where his views or stance on issues are concerned. He also has the benefit of being able to dodge the bullet of having to be elected and re-elected, to remain relevant.

There truly has not been a politician of note, in our recent history, who has engendered that perception,of having views and an ideology that's based on and evolved from the basic tenets that this Country was founded on and has the potential to be embraced by millions, since Ronald Reagan. In today's political world, I don't know if that's even possible to find, anymore. Rush's popularity and enormous following and the abject fear he stirs in those on the other side (and they do fear him) is a direct result of his 'words' and 'thoughts' and 'ideals' and the ability he has to spread that across the land, into the hearts and minds of a huge swath of the population.

Barack didn't have that. His massive appeal and his being foisted up as 'the way and the light', wasn't based on his fundamental principals and ideals. You can't tell me they were. When his annointment was assured, late in the campaign, I saw as time after time, when asked of, what supposedly was, 'any thinking person' from the left as to what Obama stood for and just what he was all about...the only thing they were able to sputter forth was, "Change...I think he gives us a chance for change." And you Madam? "Oh...Barack is the agent of Change. I think he'll bring a definite Change to America. What kind of Change? "Of course, um...(breathlessly)..Change we can BELIEVE in!"

"Any thinking person" -- I believe a strong majority of all Americans, Left, Right, Center, Straight, Gay, Black White, etc... fall into this category, for the most part. The trouble is, is that our Country is HUGE man! Those that don't quite register on the Think-O-Meter, may be in the minority...but, that's still a 'poop'-load of people! On either side. And, usually...especially in todays civic and political landscape, those off the 'Meter' are usually the most engaged and radically involved in political causes.

That's where Talk Radio and the Fairness Doctorine come into play. The Left has George Soros to throw millions if not billions at everything and anything on the Right and see what sticks and they have John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher and the like, of whom the Left would love to be viewed as the News of record. Though they do have much of the Mainstream Media carrying their water. But, with these Comedy/News shows...they have their hooks in what they believe to be a large block of voters who will vote, leaning decidedly Left. These outlets are where the Hierarchy of the Left believe that this young, hip, vital and eligible voter base, get's all their news! They don't, obviously. Because this group , as well as any other has within it, a majority of 'thinking people' among its ranks. And the Left's response to Talk Radio and its power to influence people and events through it's sheer popularity throughout America today? "Shut it down." Well, that would be the eventualy result if you forced radio stations across America to provide for an equal amount of time for an "opposing" viewpoint. The failed, humorless voices of Air America, perhaps. Look at Al Franken. I was an adult, in 1975. I was there when he came on the scene. He did things that were funny. Franken and Davis. I remember them. Al even did some funny stuff, when he came back to SNL for a time. But, the more he bacame 'visibly' and unabashedly Left...he lost his humor. He replaced hia humor with disdain, loathing...maybe even hate, for the other side. His books..."Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them". "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot"? These could be catchy, cute or marketable titles. Definitely aimed to grab his core audience. But, more so...those titles and the books themselves, are rooted in...hate of some degree. Anyway, it wouldn't be long before these radio stations would have to fold for lack of listenership or at least switch over to playin' the Oldies, 24/7, to be commercially viable. Either way...the Left would get what they wanted. No more Talk Radio...which really means...no more voices of the Right to pollute the airwaves, win friends and influence people

So, for now...the Left will seek to marginalize the Right and the Republican party, in the infancy of the Obama Presidency, by holding up Limbaugh as defacto head of the Party. This, in hopes that it might alienate folks away from the Republicans. Grabbing hold of things, such as Rush stating that he hopes that the policies of Obama will fail. 'Thinking people' know full well what he was saying and what he meant. Surely, Harry Reid, et al...when they were delcaring the war in Iraq a failure and finding it hard to contain their glee at the blast of the latest IED -- they weren't hoping for America to lose the war in Iraq or any loss of America's treasure...right?. But, you know that they wanted George Bush and his policies to fail...in the worst way. They were against the war and the policies that put us there and for that, they would accept nothing less, then that 'failure' be directly attributed to Bush. The only other thing higher on their list, then that failure, is that any semblance, whatsoever, of success in Iraq also not be attributed to Bush.

But, they'll parse words. Highlight, 'Wants Obama to Fail!' With none of the other words or reasoning or explanation that went along with it. They'll try to place Limbaugh at the forefront of the Republican party, in hopes that it will be good for them and bad for the Republicans and it appears likely that focusing on him will be the current strategy or maybe it's an unhealthy obsession...who knows? But, after watching Rush's performance as the closing speaker at the Conservative Political Action Comittee this week...

As the old saying goes... Be careful what you wish for.